Wednesday, January 14, 2015

poetry is freeing me
giving outlet to  anxiety
replaces self-criticisms boaring
my thoughts start to soaring
how else can I comebine the words
lifting me up little alphabet birds


I've been writing verse all day
because it makes me feel gay
lifts up my heart
brings a fresh start
I'll continue this for always


My torment is fuel
The dark places feed the dream


This digital life we live
craving human touch

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My latest adventure in anxiety relief has been chickens. Yes you read that correctly. I am an avid lover of birds and it has always been a dream of mine to have my own chicken flock. This spring I just couldn't pass up those adorable chicks and brought 8 home much to the chagrin of my husband, but he has slowly warmed up to them. Starting from peeps is a lot of work and pretty messy (they are just so incredibly dusty) So if you want to make it a little easier start with pullets. The down side to doing that is the variety of breed is greatly decreased with pullets. From chicks you can get all different kinds.
To preface, I didn't just willy nilly get chickens, this was a decision of many years, combined with  research at my local library about backyard chickens; and learning about complications and medical care for chickens should problem arise. etc. I educated myself first and then made the leap. Chickens are pretty forgiving to care for, but learning what you are getting into will ease a lot of set up stress.
With out further adieu, here is the debut to my flock.
Butterscotch: Golden Comet

Dolly: Barred Rock

Heny Penny: Rhode Island Red

Cora: Ameraucana, shes the show boat always preening

Lindsey Stirling:Sliver Laced Wyandotte
Ashley: Ameraucana, she looks so much like a hawk

Juliette: Gold Laced Wyandotte

Gem: Black Australorp

Thursday, February 16, 2012

15 Feb 2012 Ikebana. The elements were found right outside my window. I Love how the dried bits of grass form perfect ringlets. I also love the tiny soft hairlike shoots on the moss. Absolutely lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed creating it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

This is a blog dedicated to the little things that make me feel centered and peaceful. I recently attended a 1hour instructional demonstration at my local library about the art of Ikebana. A form of Japanese floral arrangement. There are specific requirements. The tallest element represents heaven, middle element represents the earth, and the shortest represents man. To keep this triad of balance all the other decor needs to add up to an odd number. Often Ikebana looks asymmetrical, but there is so much inspirational beauty in its simple lines. Here is a sample of my first ever Ikebana.